07 October 2008


She was born on the 12/09. Been induced. On the 9th. The pushing itself lasted for 2 1/2 hours. And contrary to the popular mythology, I did not forget the pain as soon as I saw her. 25 days later I still remember the agony. All I have to say is - epidural rules and anestesiologists go directly to paradise.
So Aidiya is not her real name - it's her nickname since she's our aidiya - aid's gift ;) I like Saboodlette as well, which one should I keep for the blog? Btw, she's got another nickname - Jaws. Yep, like the film title. Ouch and ouch.
So I have a couple of ideas for posts: If you think you'd like to give birth - think again, The truth about gas, Milk'n'Blood - not only for Masai, I want my mama, Waiting for poop, The art of sleeping upright, Are other newborns giants? Hospital receptionists - the other term for useless, etc... unfortunately my brain is a mush, my attention span equals one of a goldfish and typing with one hand is a craft I'm still trying to master. But I'll try, I need to whinge and vent and I like having an audience while doing so.


Anonymous said...

Assalaamu alaikum sis,

Awwww congratulations on the birth of your princess! I like the name Saboodlette for the ongoing nickname. :)

I was induced with my first baby too and spent 2 hours pushing and then a further half hour while they tried to drag her out with the ventouse and then the forceps so I feel your pain! You don't forget the pain but the memory numbs a bit and goes fuzzy.

My other 4 births were normal and the pushing stage was a maximum of 20 minutes and I have ever needed stitches again... I think the 25 billion I needed after baby no. 1 made up for that, lol.

I gather you're breastfeeding if you're nicknaming her jaws! Insha'Allah you'll settle into a routine and grow to love it and maybe even learn to breastfeed lying down, it is actually really easy.

Take care sis and enjoy your princess (*broooooooody*!)

L_Oman said...

Yes...thank God above for epidurals. Yes, yes, yes. I had one with K1 and K2 and it was paradise for sure.

And, for the nickname - you know which one I like! :)

I can't believe 25 days have passed!!!!!

Saboodle said...

Yes, I'm breastfeeding, and I actually do breastfeed lying down, especially at night and in the morning but it's not the most pleasant one even if useful. Jaws cracked my nipples after the first feed and always finds new ways to cause pain - i guess she enjoys my yelps of pain, hehe. So LLL can go and stick it - even latched properly it still hurt like hell (LC and nurses checked the latching on).

luckyfatima said...

salaamz love...glad to hear all is well...well as can be with your little jaws. you are a hilarious writer...the Masaii! Cracked me up!

Totally agree, about the pain thing!