10 November 2008

She eats...

...and eats and eats… I’m tired. She thinks napping is for losers so she’ll fight it with all her little body and then, after finally succumbing, she’ll wake up too soon, still tired but expecting the milky reward – we all know how exhausting and energy consuming sleeping is, don’t we? Very early on my mum and husband suggested a pacifier. So we bought two. She took one, tried and spit it up. I tried again and again. Each time she’ll take it, try and spit it up. Nothings coming out, so why bother, right? And today, desperate, I tried again. And it made me cried. Why? Well, tiny little baby crying and rooting like a starved woodpecker (45 minutes after an hour long feed, I must add), so I try the pacifier. She takes it, starts seriously sucking on it for a while, then lifts her eyes wide open as if asking “it’s coming, isn’t it, mama?” I say “you’re not really hungry, calm down, you need your sleep”. So she doubles the effort while staring with her wide open, trusting eyes – her mama would try to trick her, the milk will come if she only sucks hard enough… You can imagine what followed…


L_Oman said...

Saboodle - If I were there, I'd give ya a break and watch saboodlette for you. I know how tough it can be being a first time mama.

Are you nursing?

Please don't be upset - but could the little boo not be getting enough milk, by any chance (if you're nursing, that is)? Could be a growth spurt - those babies never seem satisfied when they grown two inches in a week. :)

I nursed K1 and stopped at about 2 months or so and you know what - I felt so guilty, but once I gave him formula, he was quite happy and more satisfied. It took some time to deal with the confusion of using a nipple from a bottle, but he caught on after a bit.

I cried a whole bunch in the beginning - it's not easy, but things eventually settle and you'll get your groove back again, sweets.

Saboodle said...

I don't get upset easily, don't worry. She actually seems happy and content and judging from her size, the milk is enough, she hardly ever cries (unless she's hungry or left alone - she doesn't do solitude although she's happy to play by herself). I figure that 2 months have passed already - next 3 will pass as well and then the solids start. Also she cheats quite often - not really hungry just snacking or thirsty. I'm a snacker so cannot really mind, can I? And honestly, I find the whole formula thing so much hussle (sp?) But thanks for caring XXX

Saboodle said...

Huh? I'm not a pakistani nor am I married to one. WTF?