04 February 2009

Happy birthday... yeah, right

It was my birthday yesterday. Husband forgot, as usual. And, as usual he vowed to make up for it and not to forget the next year. I won't hold my breath. Oh, and btw. I only reminded him every day for the whole week leading up to my birthday so there's no excuse. He tried to buy his way out of this mess. No, "happy birthday" doesn't have a buy out price tag attached to it.


luckyfatima said...

hahaha men! that is totally like my DH, too. But somehow he remembered my BD this year. At least the SSF wished u happy B-day. I am miffed!

Saboodle said...

For the next year I'm setting his blackberry alarm, hehe. And yeah, the SSF wishes were nice. Why are you miffed?

yasjess said...

oh gosh I know how you feel...grrr men!!!

Im sorry!! Hit em upside the head!!
