21 August 2009

Ramadan shopping frenzy

Ramadan starts tomorrow which means the shopping and, for some, cooking frenzy started yesterday, or maybe even earlier in the week. We all make fun of it commenting how crazy everybody goes buying food as if supermarkets were closing for the entire holy month. But to be honest, if I had a huge fridge and a big freezer, I would stock up as well. Not because I’m afraid supermarkets will run out of food and other products but because shopping, especially grocery shopping while fasting is even more tedious than usual. Add to it a baby on the crossover to toddlerhood and my enthusiasm for grocery shopping evaporates. That’s why I understand the crazy shoppers. During ramadan, and especially in the first week one does not want to battle heat and traffic to find themselves surrounded by food and drinks in the supermarket ailes while hungry and thirsty. Come the second week, the body will usually adjust to the different rhythm and venturing into the vastness of a hypermarket becomes less frightening. So bring the trolleys on – it’s time to shop!

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