07 October 2009

Not this!

I really have been trying. Fighting it with all my strength. But lately I started losing the battle. I'm borderline depressive again. The problem this time is I don't have the luxury of doing what worked in the past to keep the beast at bay - I cannot be gentle with myself for a while, I cannot sleep in, have a long hot shower, scrub, have a face pack, massage a rich cream into my whole body and then spend the rest of the day in bed with tea and a good book. I cannot go to the club and spend an afternoon lounging on the beach sipping water and fruit juice and swimming in the pool. I cannot go shopping and spend long moments contemplating a dress or an eye shadow, sit in a bookstore and look through books in peace. Hell, I can't even concentrate fully on writing this entry. I need to find another way of coping because I'm not getting a break anytime soon.


Anonymous said...

ok you really need to find something to help you feel better. Or someone that can help you, at least so you can get a few hours for yourself each day. It must be really hard for you living there far from your family and friends, with your little girl all the time just you and her when hubby is out. All I can do is send you a cyber hug!!!!If you need to chat, I'm here for you!

Saboodle said...

Thank you, sweetie :) I just need a holiday I guess... My mum is coming soon so it will be my holiday, even if only 6 days long.

luckyfatima said...


Has hubby been trained as a babysitter yet? He should be able to let you sleep in on his days off, and watch her for a few hours while you spend some "me time" with yourself.

Hope things look up. Have fun with your mom.

Saboodle said...

Sleeping in, yeah, babysitting to give me a few hours? Hahahahaha! Not gonna happen, not with his workload. The times he does watch her, I catch up on housework.

L_Oman said...

Saboodle! I'm way late on this (shame on me - I'm so out of the loop), but are you ok? I hope that you pulled out of that low feeling. Been there done that. It's a bummer when you're away from family. At least it is for me, anyways...